Quotes från Marie Claire

"I think you´re either born with a sense of style or you´re not. And we love fashion."
-Om hennes och Mary-Kates sinne för mode
"I don´t know if I´ll be running this collection forever. A couple of years from now I´m sure I want to do something else, and I´m not going to shy away from that. What if I just want to go build furniture? What if I just want to be an artist, of if I want to go bck to acting? Which is not in the cards, but if I wanted to do that?"
-Om framtiden
"I swear to you, it´s brought out this whole new thing in me. I can be a very serious person and I take my job very seriously, but at the end of the day, I need a break."
-Om Wii-spelet Rock Band som hon spelar minst två timmar varje kväll.
Det finns många bra quotes från Ashleys intervju med Marie Claire, men här ovan är tre jag gillade:) Här har jag postat en tidigare också.

"Mary-Kate and I are very aware of trends and style, but at the end of the day, we don't even think twice about it. It's just, What do I feel like wearing today, and how do I want to put it together?"
-Ashley till Marie Claire september 2009

"When it´s not about fashion. When you have no idea of what brand it is. When it´s worn and feels good. To touch a man who has a soft sweater on, a soft pant, a great jacket, or something that, as a woman, I want to take off him and put on and feel sexy in."
-Ashley till V Man Magazine om när hon gillar en mans stil (en till från V Man hehe:P)

"I don´t blog. I don´t read any of that. I have no idea of what´s going on in that world beacuse it´s just so destructive, and it´s been so destructive to so many industries."
-Ashley till V Man Magazine

"I love getting amazing jackets. Beacause you can wear your pajamas underneath and everyone´s like ' Oh fabulous jacket !' and I´m like, 'You should see what´s underneath!'"
-Mary-Kate till W Magazine 2006

Himla bra Quote det där alltså:)

"I have to say, it's easier to live in New York than in L.A... It's freezing in New York right now. In L.A., it's sunny. But I would choose freezing over being followed."
-Mary-Kate till Interview Magazine 2009

"I feel like I can be sexy when I want to be. I think all women are sexy. Some may feel it more than others. I personally think the women who are the most sexy are the women who are truly themselves, whatever that may be."
-Mary-Kate´s svar på frågan "Känner du att du är sexig?", i en intervju med Elle (USA) i sommras.

"I was mortified to have to actually interview these people. I´ve never interviewed anyone before, until this book. The tables were turned."
-Mary-Kate om att ha intervjuat ikoner som Karl Lagerfeld, Terry Richardson, Richard Prince, John Galliano och Francisco Costa till boken Influence.

"I think I have to be smart about what I do next, because the next thing I do will kind of define my future in that world. I just want to stay really true to myself. I want to gain credibility as who I am today. Not as the girl people saw me as in the past."
-Ashley till Teen Vogue 2006/2007

"It´s nice to be recognised for my fashion, but I don´t consider myself a trendsetter. I just try to have fun with fashion and dress to fit my mood."
-Mary-Kate till You Magazine 2007.

"I really love old-school beauty. I love the twenties. I love the thirties. And I´m really simple. I don´t like to wear a lot of jewelry. I just have two necklaces on. People always talk of me wearing accessories, but lately I don´t wear really much."
-Ashley till Vogue 2006.

"I didn´t know that I actually loved acting and that it was what I wanted to do until I got to step away from it and make the choise myself. When I went away to college, I went back and studied acting and realised that I just want to be challenged."
-Mary-Kate till Tank Magazine november 2008

"Sometimes I find it hard to keep up a conversation with a girl my age, because they have different interests than I do. Or maybe they are into the whole screaming thing. You know, teenagers who screem alot. Sometimes I feel more mature than the girls in my grade. But we hang out together and go to sleep-overs, we´re cheerleaders and we play softball on the beach and everything."
-Ashley till UK Sunday Times 2001, 15 år gammal.

"I don´t like going to shows, it´s so overwhelming. I want to be there to enjoy the clothes but don´t want to have to worry about the way I look or the chaos. Thank god for style.com."
-Mary-Kate till Nylon Magazine, dec 2007/jan 2008.

"I first became interested in fashion when I was about nine. We got sent at big box of Marc Jacobs clothes once, and they were size four. They were so big we had to chop them into three."
-Ashley till septembernummret av Asos Magazine.

"I wasn´t a rebellious teenager. I wanted to hang out with my frinds who were going through that, but I was so afraid of getting into trouble that it didn´t interest me."
-Ashley om att festa mycket som tonåring till Sunday Times Style 2006.

"Heath Ledger, Johnny Depp. Men, they just dress the way they want, and they don´t think about Who Wore it Best. I´m wearing vintage often and just dress the way I feel instead of looking for what´s the new handbag."
-Mary-Kate till Harper´s Bazaar 2007 om sin stil och att ha män som inspirationskällor.

"I just don´t like showing my body like that. It´s just not me. Honestly, what you see is what you get with us. It´s not like, 'Oh I wish I was wearing a miniskirt to this premiere, but I can´t.' I would kill myself if I was in a miniskirt."
-Ashley till Rolling Stone 17 år gammal om att inte visa så mycket hud.

"I run around my house naked with heels all the time. It´s so funny. All my friends will tell you I love running around in kimonos and jewelry or naked with jewelry."
-Mary-Kate till Harper´s Bazaar 2007.